See the shadow that time forgot
Lurking behind the veil
Ugly and twisted and loathed

That there is none to embrace such a thing
Is said to be good
That there is none to tame such a thing
Is said to be truth
That there is none to love such a thing
Is said to be justice

As it is to be
All fear such a horrible thing
Calling away
As it is to be
As it always was
For a time

But what a great thing
When sadness did rest
And tremors did settle
And a greater light did shine
In all the places of darkness
Even if only for one to see

Oh those most beautiful eyes
That peered into newly lit caverns
Uncharted valleys
Unexplored mountains
And hidden gems throughout the land
Shining for that first time
In the sun

Soon enough though
Too soon always
Darkness does again take over
As night falls back to its origin
And shadows do return
Signaling the retreating light
Laid to rest just under the horizon
Of hope

See the shadow that time forgot
That there is none to want such a thing
Is said to be good

Ryan o0o


All Words and Images (unless otherwise noted)
Copyright © 2005-2014 Ryan Ranney & Colleen Ranney – Ranney Studios
“Mountains” Painting/Image ©2014 Ranney Studios – Ryan Ranney  All Rights Reserved